Evaluating patient outcomes to inform clinical practice

Learn about how you can get involved with Alzheimer's Network for Treatment & Diagnostics (ALZ-NET)
Latina grandmother standing on beach. Her grandson is embracing her from behind. Both have big smiles on their faces.

Find a Participating ALZ-NET Site

Search for dementia specialists or imaging facilities in your area. We update our list frequently.

Benefits of ALZ-NET

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Protocol Synopsis

High-level synopsis of the ALZ-NET protocol.

Summary Table of Data Elements

A list of all data elements that are to be captured within patients’ medical records for collection in ALZ-NET.

Site Operations Toolkit

Your comprehensive guide to successfully participating in the network. From site startup to data collection, this toolkit provides step-by-step support to help streamline processes, answer common questions, and optimize your site's ALZ-NET activities.

Find medical professionals in your area who are participating in ALZ-NET.

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